Butter: Healthy or Unhealthy?

Butter: Healthy or Unhealthy?

Posted on: Healthy Eating

By Dr. Jorge, Ph.D.

Wildgrain is the first bake-from-frozen subscription box for sourdough breads, fresh pastas, and artisanal pastries.

With new studies coming out seemingly every day, it can be hard to know whether butter is good for you or not. Is butter healthy or should you avoid it? In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of eating butter and help you decide if butter fits your diet.

Is butter healthy? Is butter unhealthy?

Butter is generally considered healthy, especially when enjoyed in moderation. Butter is rich in essential nutrients like calcium and vitamins A, D, E, and K. However, butter is composed of almost 80% fat, most of which are saturated fats that can raise cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease. Despite this, butter can still be included in a balanced diet.

What is the healthiest butter? Is grass-fed butter healthy?

Grass-fed butter is considered the healthiest type of butter, with research suggesting it offers more health benefits and fewer risks compared to regular butter. It contains less saturated fat and higher levels of heart-healthy unsaturated fats, which may help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Is butter ok for high cholesterol? What kind of butter is good for high cholesterol?

Butter can be ok for those with high cholesterol if you are eating an overall heart-healthy diet. A heart-healthy diet includes foods like lean meats, whole grains, low-fat dairy, fruits, and vegetables. While you can still enjoy butter with high cholesterol levels, it is best to reduce your saturated fat intake to less than 6% of your total daily calories. You can also help reduce the risk of high cholesterol by substituting regular butter for grass-fed butter or healthier oils like avocado oil and olive oil.

Can you eat butter when trying to lose weight? What is the best butter for weight loss?

You can still enjoy butter while trying to lose weight. Weight loss happens when you consume fewer calories than you burn, and it’s possible to include butter as part of a balanced diet. When trying to lose weight, it’s recommended to limit your butter serving size to ensure it fits with your overall diet and calorie allowance. While grass-fed butter may offer slight advantages, the key factors are portion size, the calories in each serving, and how butter fits into your overall daily calorie intake.

Is butter ok for IBS? Does butter upset IBS?

Butter can trigger IBS symptoms, especially in individuals who are lactose intolerant or sensitive to high-fat foods. While butter contains only small amounts of lactose, it may still cause discomfort in people with lactose sensitivity. Additionally, its high-fat content can lead to issues like bloating, gas, or diarrhea in those who have trouble digesting fats.

Is butter low in FODMAP? Is butter ok on a low FODMAP diet? 

Butter is considered low FODMAP and is generally safe to eat on a low FODMAP diet. While butter contains small amounts of lactose, the levels are typically low enough not to trigger IBS symptoms for most people. However, those with severe lactose intolerance may still need to be cautious with their intake.

How much butter can I eat a day? Is it safe to eat butter every day?

It’s recommended to limit butter consumption to 1-2 tablespoons per day. Since butter is high in calories and fat, eating more than this can contribute to weight gain and increased cholesterol levels. While it's safe to enjoy butter daily, you should keep your intake moderate and balance your butter consumption with other healthy fats, like olive oil or avocado oil, which can help maintain a well-rounded diet and support overall health.

Where can I buy the best fresh bread and butter online?

At Wildgrain, we specialize in making high-quality, fresh baked goods that are delivered directly to your door. Wildgrain is the first bake-from-frozen delivery subscription service for breads, pastries, and fresh pastas. Some of our popular breads include sourdough whole wheat loaf, and everything sourdough bread, as well as grass-fed butter. Learn more about Wildgrain and our artisanal baking and cooking methods.

About the Author

Dr. Jorge has been a public health researcher for many years, holding both a Bachelor's degree and a Ph.D. in Chemistry. They presently work as a medical writer and love being able to assist others in understanding various health and scientific topics.

This content is for informational use only and does not replace professional nutrition and/or medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is not a substitute for and should not be relied upon for specific nutrition and/or medical recommendations. Please talk with your doctor about any questions or concerns.