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Is Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread Healthy or Unhealthy?

Is Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread Healthy or Unhealthy?

Posted on: Bread, Healthy Eating, Sourdough

By Dr. Jorge, Ph.D.

Wildgrain is the first bake-from-frozen subscription box for sourdough breads, fresh pastas, and artisanal pastries.

The delicious tang of sourdough bread is one that makes many of our mouths water, and whole wheat bread is a healthier alternative to white bread. In this article, we’ll discuss the combination of sourdough and whole wheat in bread and whether whole wheat sourdough bread is a good option for your lifestyle and health goals.

What is whole wheat sourdough bread?

Whole wheat sourdough bread is the same as classic sourdough bread, except for the type of flour used in the dough. Whole wheat sourdough bread contains whole wheat flour, whereas classic sourdough recipes use regular wheat flour and white bread flour.

Is whole wheat sourdough bread healthy?

Whole wheat sourdough bread is a healthy bread. Whole wheat sourdough bread combines the nutritional benefits of both classic sourdough bread and whole wheat bread. Whole wheat sourdough bread has a very low glycemic index, increased vitamins and minerals, and a high fiber content.

Is whole wheat sourdough bread healthier than white sourdough?

Whole wheat sourdough bread is one of the healthiest sourdough bread options. Classic sourdough bread still boasts an impressive nutritional profile due to its slow fermentation process that ultimately results in enhanced nutrient and antioxidant content. However, when sourdough bread is made with whole wheat flour, there are extra health benefits because of the whole grains used. Whole grains provide additional fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Therefore, whole wheat sourdough bread is a highly nutritious bread option and is healthier than classic white sourdough bread.

Is whole wheat sourdough bread healthier than regular white bread?

Whole wheat sourdough bread is healthier than regular white bread due to the slow fermentation process. Regular white bread uses pre-fermented commercial yeast as a leavening agent, while sourdough bread uses a sourdough starter made with wild yeast that is fermented slowly. The slow fermentation process used to make sourdough bread allows for greater absorption of nutrients and minerals, making sourdough bread healthier than regular white bread. Furthermore, the addition of whole wheat flour to the traditional sourdough bread recipe offers whole wheat sourdough bread an enhanced nutritious profile due to the added fiber, vitamins, and minerals found in whole wheat flour.

Is whole wheat sourdough easy to digest?

Whole wheat sourdough bread is easier to digest than regular bread due to the fermentation process used to make sourdough bread. The naturally-occurring acids found in sourdough, along with the longer fermentation process allow for the breakdown of gluten, make whole wheat sourdough bread easy for the body to digest.

Is whole wheat sourdough bread good for weight loss?

Whole wheat sourdough bread is a good bread option to meet your weight loss goals. The enriched nutritional profile of whole wheat sourdough bread makes it an excellent option for those focused on weight loss, since it has little-to-no sugar and fat and a very low glycemic index. A lower glycemic index means it will take longer for your body to convert the carbohydrates found in the bread into sugar, resulting in you feeling full for a longer period.

Is whole wheat sourdough bread the healthiest sourdough bread?

Whole wheat sourdough bread is one of the healthiest types of sourdough breads. Any sourdough bread with whole grains is considered healthier to classic sourdough bread. Because whole grains boost the nutritional value of sourdough bread, whole grain sourdough bread and whole wheat sourdough bread are both great choices when looking to opt for the healthiest sourdough bread option. Sourdough bread made with rye flour is another healthy alternative to classic sourdough bread, since sourdough rye bread contains more fiber than sourdough made with other whole grains.

Where can I buy the best whole wheat sourdough bread online?

At Wildgrain, we specialize in making high-quality, fresh baked goods that are delivered directly to your door. Wildgrain is the first bake-from-frozen delivery subscription service for breads, rolls, pastries, and fresh pastas. Some of our popular items include Sourdough Whole Wheat Loaf, Everything Sourdough Bread, and Sourdough 7-Grain Loaf. Learn more about Wildgrain and our artisanal baking and cooking methods.


About the Author

Dr. Jorge has been a public health researcher for many years, holding both a Bachelor's degree and a Ph.D. in Chemistry. They presently work as a medical writer and love being able to assist others in understanding various health and scientific topics.

This content is for informational use only and does not replace professional nutrition and/or medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is not a substitute for and should not be relied upon for specific nutrition and/or medical recommendations. Please talk with your doctor about any questions or concerns.